Fang's Temple of UNIX


Witty quote here.



I grew up on Macs since the mid-late 80s. I always appreciated the intuitive design of the user-interfaces, even from the simple days of System 6 and Finder 6. I remember bashing pre-Windows PC users for not having that little desk rodent, the mouse. I remember calling Windows a blatant copycat of the Mac UI. I defended my Mac use zealously, even despite it having a fraction of the games available for PCs. I remained loyal to the Mac hardware and software, even through Apple's darkest times. But some time around 2001, during the start of graduate school, and not long after the 'Darwinization' great leap forward of the Mac OS, I developed a newfound appreciation for UNIX and its derivatives -- I rediscovered the command-line and scripting. Today, the first thing I launch when I open a shiny new Mac running OS X is Terminal (much like xterm): I pop open /Applications/Utilities/ and drag that puppy to the Dock for permanence. Then I can begin my work.


Getting Started (beginners)

Learn UNIX in 10 minutes (added 2007-03-02) 200 useful commands -- need not learn them all at once, but at least familiarize with what they do Learn 10 good UNIX habits


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